Andréa Mastrodonato
My name is Andréa Evans and I am a Naturopathic practitioner, a Functional Neurology and Functional Immunology clinician, Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Applied Kinesiologist,
Certified Holistic Health Counselor and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the NANP (National Association of Nutrition Professionals. I hold a Master’s degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition. I have completed postdoctoral education, a Fellowship program for Functional Neurology and Functional Immunology through the IBFN (International Board of Functional Neurology). I possess training and certifications additionally in NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) as well as NAET (Allergy Elimination
Technique). I am currently a candidate for my Naturopathic Doctorate, I expect to finish this
sometime in 2024. It is my passion and goal to have an extensive, well-rounded education to best help anyone I can, in whatever place they currently are health-wise.
While in college, studying people and how the world works my eyes began to open up to a
bigger picture. I began to question the answers I was given and I was no longer satisfied
with the usual responses. As a child I had many serious health issues and as an adult I was
still frequently ill. I had been diagnosed with a multitude of medical problems including
anxiety, Depression, Interstitial Cystitis, cervical cancer, cancerous uterine polyps, ovarian
cysts, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney stones and Chronic Kidney Disease, PCOS and
infertility. I also suffered from a debilitating eating disorder that developed from my fear of
food connected to my health problems. The list became longer and longer. I began to
search for alternative ways to heal myself as I hated being medicated, at one point I was on
23 different prescription medications (all by the age of 20).
I turned to nutrition, whole food supplements (nutrients!), medicinal herbal therapy, exercise,
Chiropractic, massage therapy, essential oils and emotional energy work. Over the next
several years I managed to find healthy, natural ways to alleviate my illnesses as well as
safely and effectively lose over 45 pounds of inflammation and extra weight. As time went
on people naturally began to ask for my help with their health challenges, nutritional
questions and weight-loss endeavors. I counseled other Interstitial Cystitis and Irritable
Bowel Syndrome patients as well without even thinking about it. It was just something I
enjoyed doing and came naturally. I decided to forgo law school (I hold a Bachelor’s in
History, Writing and Pre-Law) and the accompanied scholarships to become a Certified
Holistic Health and Nutrition Counselor to fulfill my passion of supporting people to
overcome their health challenges, achieve their goals for their health, lose weight safely and
naturally and to live the life they have always wanted to live.
At this point in my career, I have become very experienced working with thousands of
patients, studied under many mentors and achieved several degrees and certifications so
that I may work more closely with complicated cases, no matter the depth of the problem. I
am like a health detective, uncovering nutritional needs based on deficiencies uncovered
through the functional signs and symptoms, reviewing lab work, specialized testing and
imaging as well as the muscle testing. Kinesiology has changed my life and my family’s life
as we have been able to feed our bodies the nutrition that was truly needed that we could
not uncover previously. I am cancer and disease free and have been for over nineteen years,
minus one very sick kidney.
In 2011 my hopes came to fruition; I did what the doctors had told me would not happen – I
became pregnant. In conjunction with living the lifestyle that I preach, my son Bradley was born in the most holistic way possible – at home, with no intervention with a team of care
givers in January, 2012. He is incredibly healthy and I am proud to say the product of
excellent nutrition and lifestyle. In 2014 and again in 2016 my then husband and I were
again blessed beyond belief and continued to prove nay-sayers wrong with the birth of our
second son, Dawson and third son Luke. After my divorce God blessed me with meeting my
now husband Michael. Michael and I suffered a heart-breaking miscarriage early in 2019. To
this day we don’t know what went wrong (as so many parents never find out) but my journey
as a mother was far from over. Michael and I have been honored with the birth of not one,
but two daughters. Aria, in 2020 and Alora in 2021. Again, as with their brothers before
them, I gave birth at home to all five of my babies. Being able to get pregnant and keep a
healthy pregnancy not once, but five times when I was told I would never be able to do so
has been transformative for me. I love helping couples to discover the joys are natural
fertility, pregnancy and birth, if that’s what they want too.
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I received my nutrition and holistic health counseling training at the Institute for Integrative
Nutrition in New York City which is the only nutrition school integrating all of the different
dietary theories- combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies with modern
concepts like the USDA food pyramid, the glycemic index, food allergy elimination, and raw
and superfoods.

I continued my education through New York Chiropractic College to receive my Master’s in
Applied Clinical Nutrition as well as my certification in Applied Kinesiology. I attend advanced training through the International Board of Functional Neurology, Standard Process, New East College of Health Sciences (formerly NYCC), Functional Medicine University, New Eden School of Natural Health, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, International College of Health Sciences, NETMindBody, NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) and many gifted colleagues on a very regular basis – I am always learning and researching to be the absolute best I can be for my patients!
I offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling, as well as workshops on
functional medicine, neurology, nutrition, and health. I specialize in uncovering hidden challenges in the body as well as digestive disorders, food intolerance and gluten sensitivity, hormonal health challenges (menopause, peri-menopause, low testosterone, irregular cycles, etc), interstitial cystitis, chronic kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, adrenal fatigue, detoxification, pre and post-natal nutrition and weight loss. As a Holistic Practitioner, I have studied all the major dietary theories and will help you discover what approach works best for you at this point in your life.
No one WAY works for everyone, I help people as unique individuals. I will guide you to find
the herbs, food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you to make
gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.
It’s rare for anyone to get dedicated REAL time to work on their health and nutrition goals
with a trained professional. I am here to create a supportive environment while we explore
what really works for you.
Additional education: I am trained and certified in many forms of muscle testing including NRT (Nutrition Response Testing), MAT (Meridian Autonomic Testing), SSA (System Strength Analysis) and classic Applied Kinesiology as well as Functional Medicine.